Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cool site: 43 Things

I recently stumbled on a site called 43 Things.  It is a site that helps you to acheive goals that you set for yourself.  At first I didn't think I would like it, but it turns out that it has been very helpful to me. 

All you do is type in a goal that you have on Your Life List.  It keeps a list of all of your goals (up to 43) for you.  When you set a goal, the site will tell you how many other people have the same goal as you. This is pretty cool because you can then go read more about their goal and how other people have acheived that goal (great resource for ideas to help you be successful).  You can share with others how you accomplished goals and you can pass out and receive virtual 'cheers' for support as well.  You can also add entries to update the status of your progress.

Having the goals in writing in a place that I can go and refer to everyday has been very helpful.  I have a few goals that are almost ready to be marked as done, and I'm happy to say I just crossed one totally off the list - to read more.  Yay!  You can also keep a seperate list of your 2010 New Year's Resolutions.

Check it out:  http://www.43things.com/

There are also some other sites by the same company that are kind of fun as well.  They all have a similiar theme - you create a list, mark your progress on the list, compare your lists with others, etc.:

http://www.43places.com/    Keep of list of where you have visited and where you would like to visit

http://www.43people.com/   List all the people you have met and would like to meet


Why 43?  I dunno.  I read it somewhere on the site, but can't remember the explanation....

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