Sunday, November 15, 2009

So I finally caved....

and decided to follow the crowd and create a blog. What have I gotten myself into? I always swore that a blog just wasn't for me and there was no way that I would ever have one. But my desire to play around and learn how to make a simple blog won out...and here I am.  I hated the idea of deleting it after I was done experimenting  - so looks like I'm keeping it for now. My blog is simply going to be kind of a journal, and everything on it will be a reflection of me and what I'm all about.

So if you found yourself bored and here...check out my favorites off to the right.

Whew! First post is now out of the way!


Scrappy Jo said...

Love the blog. Lots of words. Boy am I tired. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!! It looked so fun! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, that was an incredible day at the Zoo. Thank you so much for including us!


val said...

great kelly!!! so excited you have a blog now! I am adding you to my blog list! cant wait to hear more fun stuff from you! and before you know it you will have a scrapping blog! lol!

lkeener said...

Welcome to blogworld, Kelly Ann!! This is great and I shall be showing up regularly so you'd better keep writing, girl!!! ((((HUGS))))

Chris said...

You have finally joined the dark side....bwahahahaaaaa...

PeggyR said...

yay! nicely done